What is the difference between Tarot, Oracle, Angel Cards, and Affirmation Cards?
Well, they are all types of divination cards.
We have started to take a look in the last blog at Tarot and how the deck is made. So, I will not be starting from scratch here. However, we know that Tarot is a deck of 78 cards and each of those cards have a specific meaning that comes from Book T, by MacGregor Mathers and Harriet Felkin.
Over the years, artists and authors of Tarot have tried to make it their own and have deviated somewhat from Book T, but the overall structure has remained the same. Tarot is a divination device, just as Runes, Pendulums, and Crystals are used.
There are numerous Tarot decks on the market today. You most likely will be attracted to the artwork when choosing a Tarot deck. There are now Tarot decks that are all animals in the artwork or fairies or modern icons, But, the good thing about Tarot, is that it follows a set of rules. Each card, no matter the artwork, still has the same meaning. That means that you can pick up any Tarot deck and should be able to read it, if you know those meanings.
This is an example of three different artist's interpretation of The Empress. The first one on the left is from The Star Tarot, by Cathy McClelland, the second one is from The Light Seer's Tarot, by Chris-Anne, and the third one is from The Buddha Tarot, by Robert M. Place.
Notice how each of these cards are similar, but very different. They all have the same meaning, because it depicts the Empress. Also, note the size of the cards, the labels, the border, no border - each created in a unique way.
Oracle cards -
It can be slightly confusing, because actually all the cards listed above are a types of "oracle" cards, because oracles give you access to information that you cannot find through ordinary means. But, in this blog, we are using the term Oracle as a specific type of card deck. They will be typically labels or titled with the word Oracle, so that you don't mistake it for a Tarot deck.
The biggest difference between Oracle and Tarot, is that Oracle decks don't follow any rules! It doesn't matter how many cards are in the deck. It doesn't matter what symbols are contained on the cards. It doesn't have to follow any order or progression. It is all completely up to the author/artist of the Oracle deck.
This may sound a bit more interesting that Tarot, because again there are thousands of Oracle decks printed every day. However, one might want to be careful when choosing a new Oracle deck, because it will be different than every other Oracle deck that you may have read. You will have to learn what each of the cards mean and their symbols. You will basically have to be reading from the guidebook to get what you need to know to conduct a reading.
This is an example of three different Oracle decks (in their boxes). The top one is Carry Me Crystals, by Joanie Eisinger, Elizabeth Jarvis, and Peter Jarvis, the second one is The Herbal Healing, by Sarah Baldwin, and the third one is Sacred Mysteries, by Kooch Daniels, Victor Daniels and Pieter Weltevrede.
As you can see, these three Oracle decks are on three different subjects and look very different. Each one has its own qualities and "set of rules" when it comes to the symbols that they are using.
Some love the fact that things are different in each deck. The above three are in my collection and I use them often. Some find that by having the guidebook to follow, that they do not need to memorize the cards and this makes it easier in our busy lives.
Angel Cards -
Angel cards or Angel Oracles, are decks that contain the different angels that you would call upon during a reading. I will be quite honest with you - I don't own any angel cards. So I don't have any to show here (maybe in the future). But basically they feature angels you learn about in religions such as Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism. Since they do follow specific Angels, then their meaning should remain the same from one deck to another. But, we all have our own interpretation of what that may be. As with other Oracle cards, angel cards don't have to follow the standard guidelines (number, suit and symbols) that make the traditional Tarot. It is common for the decks to have much fewer cards than the Tarot (not as many angels???)
Affirmation Cards -
Affirmation cards are usually one word or phrase, sometimes a picture, that promote positivity or inspiration. Again Affirmation cards of oracles, do not have to follow any rules. They can be on all different subjects, sizes, number of cards, etc.
Affirmation cards are a type of Oracle card. Remember oracles are little actions that show us a sign - good luck, bad luck, finding love, finding money. Finding a Lucky penny heads side up - putting it in our shoe, so money will follow us. Back in the 80's, we even wore penny-loafers, lol.
These three sets of Affirmation cards, just happen to be the same size, but they don't have to be. Daily Healing, by Inna Segal, Star Seeds, by Nari Anastarsia, and Whispering Woods, by Jessica Le.
Affirmation cards are a nice way to start the day, by pulling one card and seeing what inspires. I often pull intuitively a card and enclose it when I send a gift or letter to someone.
In conclusion -
Which one should you use? Whichever you are called to.
Can I use more than one? YES! You can use them all or a combination.
Do you have to use them every day? No. This is something that we will discuss at a later date.
Can you have too many? Lol, no. Unless you don't have the space or resources, then you should limit yourself. Maybe re-gift the ones that don't speak to you?
Yes, Tarot is my first choice. But, I also use the others regularly (except for the Angel cards - maybe in the future).