The Major Arcana - A brief introduction
There are so many books out there about Tarot and what the Major Arcana's individual cards mean. So, I don't want to duplicate two much of what is already out there. Instead I want to take you on a walk through the FOOL'S JOURNEY.
0 – Fool – 0 - The Fool is the Main Character through this story. He is basically a toddler that doesn't know his way, he doesn't know what lies ahead for him. He is innocent and doesn't have the knowledge to make clear choices.
The following characters are who direct the Fool along his path. They can be "others" or they can be The Fool himself. They can be male or female (or both or neither).
1 Magician – I - The Magician is someone who is not from this world. He can pass both, in space and time. He has all of the tools laid out before him - Wands, Cups, Pentacles, and Swords. He has the expertise to choose wisely. He can manifest what you desire.
2 High Priestess – II - The High Priestess can also pass between worlds. She is of both shadow and light, above and below. She is a mystery - the future can be cloudy. Her decisions are based on intuition rather than being logical. She has the hidden knowledge.
3 Empress – III - The Empress is all about nurturing slowly and growth. She is the feminine energy of the Physical world.
4 Emperor – IV - The Emperor is all about authority of the physical world. He is focused on his leadership and follows a rigid structure. He can make things happen.
5 Hierophant – V - The Hierophant is the teacher (both spiritual and secular). He is the guidance for personal development and inner wisdom.
6 Lovers – VI - The Lovers are all about relationship: family, romantic, and friendships. They are also about commitment and duality.
7 Chariot – VII - When we think of the Chariot, we are moving fast in a forward direction. There is advancement, progress, making headway. It can also mean travel or physically moving.
8 Strength – VIII - Strength is our willpower - it is our inner strength. It is our energy and our drive.
9 Hermit – IX - The Hermit is often associated with isolation and giving us a space to think, taking time off. It is a time to work through changes to find our way.
10 Wheel of Fortune – X - Let things move on their own. Things are evolving, changing and there are new opportunities, so this is a sign that you need to be ready to act - be prepared!
11 Justice – XI - Justice is all about Truth. Being on the right path, your true path, your soul's journey.
12 The Hanged Man – XII - The Hanged Man usually pops up when there will be a delay or a distraction. However, the Hanged Man also reminds us to look at things from a different perspective. Take a new look at things.
13 Death – XIII - The Death card is all about a transition or a transformation. You have to "die" before you can be reborn. You have to have an ending, before you can have a new beginning. (I also like to point out that the Death card is number 13 - Lucky 13)
14 Temperance – XIV - Temperance is telling us to be cautious. Make sure we balance out things and don't do anything too impulsive.
15 Devil – XV - The Devil is the one sitting on our shoulder making us procrastinate, or have self-doubt. He puts up barriers and negative blocks that make us question ourselves. He is the little distraction - the next sparkly object.
16 The Tower – XVI - There are two ways to look at the Tower. The first is destruction or disruption, such as a sudden life changing event. The second is rebuilding/building - a time to start over.
17 The Star – XVII - The Star is about long term goals or plans and what direction are they going to take. Optimism!
18 The Moon – XVIII - When we walk in the moonlight of The Moon card, we are walking a mysterious path, maybe even an unknown path. Some times it is fate that brings you on that path; you won't be the one in control.
19 The Sun – XIX - Just as the Sun comes out and shine brightly down on us, it is nurturing and a time for healing and growth.
20 Judgement – XX - Judgement can help us see taking a different path. It gives us awareness - an awaking.
21 The World – XXI - This is where The Fool wants to get to. This is a place of fulfillment, of balance, harmony and peace.
The Journey -
As you read through each description, could you see the actions that The Fool would (or wouldn't) take? Can you see how he grows from a child into an adult, having to make decisions on his (her) own?
Please leave any questions or comments below!
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